We often get asked “what energy insights can EnergyPrint actually get from utility bills?” This is an understandable question – it just doesn’t seem like a utility bill should, in and of itself, be able to provide the level of insight that a business would need to make energy decisions.
Well, it turns out the answer is… ALOT.
Here is a list of the top 10 energy insights we’ve gathered and presented to our clients over the course of just one single week:
- A building was in a higher electric rate structure because peak demand spiked above 50 kW for 3 consecutive months… 3 years ago. EnergyPrint suggested a utility rate structure change to the client as a result.
- A building held an ENERGY STAR® score of 73. However, recent changes to the building meant that the building attributes could be updated, pushing the score to 76 and allowing the building to apply for ENERGY STAR® certification.
- A controls project proved its largest single month savings of $4,600 in December and has saved the business over $73,000 since installation 15 months ago.
- Weather in New York was 6% warmer this winter compared to last, but a building’s natural gas bill went up by 7% – changes to the building automation system setpoints were noted in order to correct the issue.
- A hospital is spending 40% of its utility bill on demand costs, when the average for acute healthcare buildings is 25% nationally and 22% on a state level. They ran a utility bill audit to see how they might be able to adjust.
- EnergyPrint indentified 3 key buildings in a portfolio that could generate the best ROI of a building retrofit project, not because they use the most electricity, but because the utility rate for a specific local utility is 50% higher than other utility companies used by the client.
- An LED lighting update was completed in August 2019, reducing electric consumption by 9%. However, this was not on pace for ROI expectations. EnergyPrint shared the Utility Dashboard credentials with the vendor to investigate.
- EnergyPrint suggested a utility rate change from “general service” to “time-of-day” based on energy spend and how the building was operating during weekdays. This would be an advantageous switch for the client that would help them avoid utility costs significantly moving forward.
- A tax credit associated with the 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act ended in December 2019 and we forewarned that gas bills will see a 2% increase in 2020 as a result.
- EnergyPrint informed a client that their energy benchmarking ordinance compliance was complete 3 months ahead of time.
As you can see, there is no shortage of actionable, relevant insights contained in your utility bills. EnergyPrint has been thrilled to provide these insights to our customers for over 10 years.